
by UNBALANCE Corporation


3.49 usd

"Koi-Koi" and "flower matching"nPlay bothnAuthentic "playing cards" app !!

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美しい日本の四季を彩った札が風を切り裂く花札の世界。個性豊かな5人の対戦相手に「こいこい」と「花合わせ」でいざ勝負!-------------------------------------------------「ザ・花札」では、日本の伝統的なカードゲームである花札の最もポピュラーな2種目、「こいこい」と「花合わせ」のゲームを美しいグラフィックスと小気味よいサウンドとともにプレイできます。自由に遊べる「フリー対戦」モードと、指定された条件のもとで連勝記録にチャレンジする「勝ち抜き戦」の二つの対戦モードを搭載。お好みの背景や札の種類、ゲーム中のBGMを設定し、臨場感と爽快感あふれる白熱した花札の対戦をお楽しみください。それぞれのゲームを知らない方でも、アプリ内のヘルプにルールの解説と役の一覧があるので安心して遊ぶことができます。■「こいこい」と「花合わせ」が遊べる!花札の代表的な2種類のゲーム「こいこい」と「花合わせ」が両方遊べます。■臨場感と爽快感札が風を切り裂く効果音、そして大迫力の出来役完成アニメーションなど、白熱した花札の対局を盛り上げるための演出にこだわりました。■個性の異なる5人の対戦相手強さ、札の出し方やクセの異なる5人の対戦相手を用意しました。■お好みの雰囲気、BGMが設定可能BGMは全部で5種類から、背景と札の組み合わせも合計で6種類から選ぶことが出来ます。お好みの雰囲気で花札の勝負をお楽しみください。■設定可能なルールこいこい・対戦方式 (3か月、6か月、12ヶ月、争奪戦)・時間制限 (なし、5秒、10秒、20秒)・月見・花見で一杯 (ON/OFF)・こいこい時得点の倍返し (ON/OFF)・7文以上は得点2倍 (ON/OFF)・手四・くっつき (ON/OFF)花合わせ・対戦方式 (3か月、6か月、12ヶ月)・時間制限 (なし、5秒、10秒、20秒)・フケ (ON/OFF)・親仲八丁ビキ十丁 (ON/OFF)・雨島 (役流し/20文/なし)・花見・月見の雨流れ (ON/OFF)・親の移行方式 (通常/順番/固定) ■戦績の保存各種目ごとに、完成させた出来役の回数や勝ち抜き戦の最高記録などが自動で保存され、いつでも確認することができます。【注意事項】・Android 4.4で、ランタイムにARTを選択した場合は正常に動作しない場合があります。(通常はARTが選択されていません)The world of Hanafuda, where the tags that color the beautiful four seasons of Japan cut through the wind.Fight against 5 unique opponents with "Koi-Koi" and "Flower Matching"!-------------------------------------------------In "The Hanafuda", you can play the second most popular type of Hanafuda, which is a traditional Japanese card game, "Koi-Koi" and "Hanafuda".You can play with beautiful graphics and a nice sound.Equipped with two battle modes, a "free battle" mode where you can play freely and a "winning battle" where you challenge the record of consecutive wins under specified conditions.Set your favorite background, type of tag, and BGM in the game, and enjoy the battle of heated Hanafuda with a sense of realism and exhilaration.Even if you dont know each game, you can play with confidence because the help in the app has explanations of rules and a list of roles.■ You can play "Koi-Koi" and "Flower Matching"!You can play both "Koi-Koi" and "Hanafuda", which are two typical Hanafuda games.■ Realism and exhilarationThe sound effect that the tag cuts through the wind, and the powerful animation of the completed work, etc.We were particular about the production to liven up the game of the heated Hanafuda.■ Five opponents with different personalitiesWe have prepared 5 opponents with different strengths, how to put out bills, and habits.■ You can set your favorite atmosphere and BGMYou can choose from 5 types of BGM in total, and 6 types of combinations of backgrounds and tags in total.Please enjoy the game of Hanafuda in your favorite atmosphere.■ Configurable rulesKoi-Koi・ Battle method (3 months, 6 months, 12 months, competition)・ Time limit (none, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds)・ Full of moon viewing and cherry blossom viewing (ON / OFF)・ Double the score at Koi-Koi (ON / OFF)・ Double the score for 7 sentences or more (ON / OFF)・ Hand four ・ Sticking (ON / OFF)Flower matching・ Battle method (3 months, 6 months, 12 months)・ Time limit (none, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds)・ Dandruff (ON / OFF)・ Parent Naka Haccho Biki 10 (ON / OFF)・ Ameshima (role flow / 20 sentences / none)・ Rain flow of cherry blossom viewing and moon viewing (ON / OFF)・ Parent migration method (normal / order / fixed)■ Saving battle recordsThe number of completed roles and the highest record of winning battles are automatically saved for each item.You can check it at any time.【Precautions】-On Android 4.4, if ART is selected for the runtime, it may not work properly.(Usually ART is not selected)64 bit 対応安定性の向上